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Answers to some of your Frequently Asked Quastions....

About Joining The KGH

The Order is open to all men over age 18, who are of good character, and who are free from criminal convictions.   There is no upper age limit to join however initiates aged over 65 years old will not be entitled to some membership benefits.  Applications are welcomed from those who wish to promote the general aims of the Order

• To support their “mother” encampment in its charitable and social work.
• To support the King, the constitution and rule of law.
• To be an active member of the encampment and take part in its meetings, ceremonials and social events.
• To contribute to the financial upkeep of the Order and encampment by paying registration dues, currently £1 per week.

Admission to membership starts by being proposed and seconded by two existing members of the encampment. They will need to learn about you, if not already known, so that they may give an account of your suitability to join the Order and your chosen encampment. The members of the encampment will be balloted and if they accept your nomination, you will be invited for initiation.

How Do I Join?

We welcome new members to our Order and joining is a relatively simple matter.  It requires the nominee to be proposed and seconded by two existing members.  Your application will be considered by the encampment and if successful you will be prepared for initiation into the GUOKGH.  

If you know which is your local encampment then it may be appropriate to talk to the scribe to discuss the process and any local requirements.

Alternatively, please leave us a message
​​​ and we will pass your details on to your nearest camp.  

Can I Join More Than One Camp?

You can be a member of one camp - this is called your "Mother Encampment" but you are welcome to attend others as a visitor at any time.  It is usual to contact the scribe before the visit, as a courtesy.   Regular visitors may be offered honoroury membership of the other camp.

How Much Does It Cost?

There is no joining fee.  Membership is paid by registration of attendance.  The current fee is £1 per week and can be paid weekly, monthly, quarterly, 6 monthly or annually.  So, the cost per year is £52 which can be paid in advance if preferred.   Special rates may apply for the unwaged.   Ask your local encampment Scribe for details.

Starting A New Camp?

Of course we welcome new camps joining our Order, subject to their being viable.  The first thing to do is talk to the Grand Scribe or seek advice from one of the nearest encampments to you.  

New encampments must be "sponsored" by two existing members of the Order and need at least six gentlemen who are interested in becoming members.


Get in touch !

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